Friday, March 18, 2011

Salaam, Muslims and Muslimahs

Salaam, my Muslims and Muslimahs

My name is Hassan. I am 38. I am originally from Saudi Arabia. I have been a Muslim from birth. As a Muslim, I have been exposed to circumcision my entire life and I was circumcised myself. I am not condemning those who choose to circumcise themselves but I would like to point out some facts about circumcision in Islam.

Circumcision is not mentioned in the Qu'ran. It is mentioned in a Hadith. It is called a fitrah but there is no compulsion to circumcise males or females. Islam is a religion that puts a lot of importance on personal hygiene and in the time of the Prophet (PBUH), we Muslims were living in a desert climate with little water to waste on cleaning foreskin. Unlike circumcision in Judaism, circumcision is not about a pact with Allah. It's purely for cleanliness purposes. However, because we now have running water and soap, it is just as clean to keep a foreskin and thanks to science, we know that having a foreskin can improve our sex lives with our wives, preserve sensitivity and protect our organ from exposure to the elements.

I believe circumcision can impact the view of sex in an unholy way. The media promotes circumcision as a way to decrease the chances of getting an STDs, leading many young people including Muslims to believe if they are circumcised, they may have sex with whoever they'd like. It is like giving your teen son a box of condoms or putting your teen daughter on birth control pills. It's for the assumption that they are going to have sex and probably with multiple partners. It makes people believe that circumcision will elimate consquences for their actions. Just like condoms and birth control pills do not always work, circumcision does not always work but many people are unaware of that. Remember that if you are following Allah's laws and only having sex within your marriage, you will not have to worry about disease.

Peace be upon you,

Circumcision and Religion

Bahá'í - Baha'i does not require circumcision.

Buddhism - Buddhism forbids circumcision. Buddha himself had an intact penis.

Catholicism - Three Popes (Pope Benedict XVI, Pope Eugene IV, and Pope Puis XII) have condemned or outlawed circumcision.

Christianity - Christianity does not require circumcision and some sects ban it. "Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing. For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law." - Galacians 5:2-3, King James Version

Hinduism - Hinduism does not require circumcision nor do the Vedas mention it. However, ahimsa promotes non-violence. Forcibly removing part of a child's genitals against his will for no reason qualifies as a violent act.

Islam - Circumcision, male or female, is not mentioned in the Holy Qu'ran. See Salaam, Muslims and Muslimahs.
Jainism - Jainism forbids circumcision because it is seen as an act of violence.

Judaism - Circumcision violates many Jewish values such as V'ahavta l'rayaha kamohkha, Tzedakah, Anava, Tikkun olam, Shalom bayit, Hakhnasat orhim, Talmud torah, and Gemilut hasadim. The validity that Genesis originally contained the requirement of circumcision is widely disputed and many scholars believe Jews took the practice from Ancient Egyptians. See Dear Fellow Jews.

Neo-Paganism - Neo-Paganism does not require circumcision.

Rastafarianism - Amputation is a sin in Rastafarism. As circumcision is an amputation of the foreskin, it is forbidden.

Satanism - Satanism does not require circumcision.

Scientology - Scientology does not require circumcision.

Shintoism - Shintoism does not require circumcision.

Sikhism - Sikhism forbids circumcision. "Because of the love of woman, circumcision is done; I don't believe in it, O Siblings of Destiny." - Sri Guru Granth Sahib

Wicca - Wicca does not require circumcision.

Karyn's Story

Karyn's Story
In 2001, I had been an OBGYN for 8 years. I regularly performed circumcision on male infants. As a medical professional, I know there's really no reason to circumcise (unless you have a case of severe phimosis or something similar) but circumcision was a large portion of my income and unfortunately, in a case of bad karma, my greed caught up to me in June 2001.

I had circumcised four other male children before him. Everything had gone okay. The babies cried, like all of them do, but I bandaged them up and sent them back on their way. The fifth child, whose name I won't disclose, the nurses held him down and he cried loudly when I cut his foreskin away. I sent the foreskin to the labs downstairs to be used for medical procedures and I sent the child back to NICU. 45 minutes later, his heart stopped.

As a doctor, I'd heard and read many stories about circumcision killing children but I never thought it would hit so close to me. I thought "those doctors were just being irresponsible and they did something wrong." But what I did was standard procedure. Though I didn't lose my license, I feel that I deserved to. Any doctor who performs a surgery that risks a child's life to line their pockets is not thinking about their patient's health. I quit my job as an OBGYN, unable to cope with the guilt and the stress of seeing parents demand their child be circumcised even after I told them the risks. Though the law says I'm not responsible and his parents aren't responsible, we very much are. If his parents had taken the time to research about their son's health and I had not seen dollar signs, he would be alive now.

After his death, I sunk into a deep depression and about 9 months into it, I decided that the best thing I could do for him is help prevent his story from repeating. It's the least I owe him. After searching the internet, I discovered the word "intactivism" (activism for outlawing male circumcision). I've since done some work for NOHARMM and tried to spread the word to my friends. I found work at a maternity that is "baby and mother friendly," where circumcision is not performed, breastfeeding is automatic, and the baby is not kept from the mother. It's been difficult to educate others because many men are sensitive about the fact that their parents put their life at risk and parents are sensitive about the fact that they know what they've done is wrong after they know the truth so people would rather ignore it and keep it going. They think "I had it done and I turned out fine so my son will be fine." Until 2001, I had never known the sheer truth there is to the phrase "Knowledge is power." In the case of circumcision, knowledge is the biggest power and defense their is.

Submitted by Karyn from Maryland, USA. If you wish to comment on this story or contact Karyn, please post in the comments section below.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dear Fellow Jews

Dear Fellow Jews,

My name is Naomi. I'm a Jewish mother of 3 and currently living in Boston. As a Jew, I understand the religious and social pressure to circumcise your sons. It's apart of the Law. However, I believe, after many years of never questioning circumcision, that it goes against Jewish values. And I'm going to explain why I think so if you'll please read.

Circumcision risks life.
Circumcision is commanded by the Torah. However, the Law also places a high value on the preservation on life. The preservation of life is so important that if needed, we may break the Law. Circumcision poses a very real death threat to anyone, adult or child, who undergoes it. Forcing your child (and yes, you are forcing because he cannot consent) to be circumcised risks his life. Even in modern day with sanitary tools and techniques and trained professionals, death is always a lurking possibility. One thing I believe the Tanakh teaches us is to not go out of our way to risk human life and one thing I believe the history of Jews teaches us is to not take life for granted. To deny your child a chance of life is certainly not apart of my Jewish values.

G-d made us perfect.
If man is made in the image of G-d as our Torah tells us, then man is perfect as he is. I believe altering G-d's creation is a form of blasphemy. It's saying that G-d, who chose to put a healthy body part on all men, made a mistake that had to be corrected.

Circumcision will affect sex.
Judaism is a religion that no doubts places much emphasis on the importance of a healthy sex life with one's spouse. Studies show that removing the foreskin can affect both spouse's sexual pleasure negatively. Circumcised penises are unable to keep a woman lubricated properly during sex and can cause inflammation of vaginal walls (which can lead to UTIs and discomfort to the point that a woman may have to abstain from sex for several days to recover). The Tanakh gives us many laws on how to have healthy sex lives and circumcision can interfere with that.

It's no longer the mark of a Jew.
Circumcision was once considered the mark of a Jew; a sign of our convenant with G-d. However, circumcision is no longer the mark of a Jew. Christians, Muslims, Americans, and African tribes regularly circumcise their males. There are more circumcised non-Jews than all Jews combined. This makes circumcision obsolete in Jewish identity. Jewish identity is so much more colorful and historical than circumcision. It was also a practice of the Ancient Egyptians, who enslaved us. Should we really carry on the practices and beliefs of those who brought such hardship to our people?

Anyone born to a Jewish mother/father/parent is Jewish.
Depending on your sect of Judaism, anyone born to a Jewish mother/father/parent is a Jew and always will be. This alone is enough to establish that a man is a member of the Jewish community from birth. Circumcision will not make a man more of a Jew or a better Jew. There are no degrees of Jewish-ness. You either are or you aren't. Circumcision won't give you Jewish-ness or make you a Jew.

We no longer practice all Jewish laws.
We don't kill men for sleeping with other men because we know that sexuality isn't a choice. We no longer practice slavery and are (usually) against it because we believe all people have rights. Most of us no longer abide by a ger to divorce and remarry because we think that is unfair to a woman ("agunah"). More than half of us probably don't even keep Kosher. Many of us don't even marry Jews. Judaism has evolved and changed with the times as Jews have become more away of the effects certain laws and practices have on mankind and the world. If we regularly do away with the practicing of these laws, some of which (like not keeping Kosher and marrying non-Jews) are damaging to the survival of Judaism, why is circumcision still carried on when it causes many social and medical problems for Jewish men everywhere everyday?

What I am trying to explain is that a man's Jewish-ness is not based upon his circumcision. There are many Jews in the past, present, and future who were unable to be circumcised (either due to the law forbidding it, lack of access to a mohel, or for health problems like hemophilia) but they were most definitely Jews nonetheless. Though the Jewish community is international and divided by oceans and borders, we are all united under G-d and we feel the spirits of our culture and fellow Jews within us at all times. To outcast men from our community or deny them the right to take part in our beautiful traditions because they are uncircumcised is rather unhospitable and not what I believe G-d would want us to do. Does not the Torah give us numerous stories about the joys and rewards of being welcoming to others and the dangers of turning others away? It was because Angels were welcomed that Sarah was able to conceive and it was because of Sodom's inhospitality that the city was destroyed.

So I am humbly asking all fellow Jews who read this letter to please take some time to reflect upon the issues I've covered here. Thank you for your time and I gladly appreciate it.


Ask Yourself

1. Are you willing to risk your son's life? - Circumcison kills more than 100 children in the USA every year.

2. Are you willing to risk your son's penis and/or testicles being partially or fully amputated? - Necrosis and gangrene are possible and can lead to the amputation of not only the penis and testicles but surrounding skin as well.

3. Are you willing to risk your son being socially outcasted? - Only 1/3 of American children from 2009 are circumcised.

4. Are you willing to leave your son with a smaller penis? - Removing part of the penis will leave it smaller and thinner.

5. Are you willing to take away a large portion of your son's sexual pleasure? - Circumcison will remove at least 10,000 of his nerve endings.

6. Are you willing to pay for a surgery that is medically unnecessary? - Routine circumcision is never necessary. There are much better things you can do with $400. You can start a college fund, start a life insurance policy or buy a savings bond for your son.

7. Are you willing to let yourself and your son be exploited by the medical industry? - Foreskin is a big business. Hospitals and doctors want you to circumcise your son because they profit from it. OBGYNs regularly supplement their income by performing circumcision and hospitals sell your son's foreskin to make skin grafts, to research companies, and to make beauty care products. Circumcision surgery alone generated more than $400 million in 2005.

8. Are you willing to disregard your son's rights to his own body? - Circumcision violates your son's right to his body. As circumcision will not save his life, can kill him, and alters his body forever and he cannot consent to it, it is most definitely a violation of his personal choice.

Risks of Circumcision

Circumcision kills more infants than Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. - 18 in 100,000 circumcised male infants die from complications in the USA every year. Life threatening complications include infection, ruptured bladder, heart attack, and shock.

Circumcision will not prevent penile cancer. - Penile cancer is very rare (1 in 50,000 men). Circumcised men can and do get penile cancer. Studies showed that uncircumcised men had a 0.2% increased risk (which is not statistically relevant).

Circumcision will not reduce the risk of AIDS, STDs or HIV. - Both Brazil and the USA have the same 0.6% of the population living with AIDS/HIV. But more than 80% of American men are circumcised where less than 8% of Brazil's men are circumcised. Safe sex practices are the only ways to help prevent the spread of disease.

It's not harder to clean an uncircumcised penis. - The foreskin does not retract as an infant so it's not harder to clean. But cleaning an open wound that sits in a diaper with feces and urine and changing bandages and possibly repeating the cycle with revision surgery is hard.

Circumcision can traumatize the child mentally. - Studies show that circumcised males experience side effects of trauma, even into adulthood.

Circumcison can alter infant behavior negatively. - Infants who are circumcised regularly experience difficulty establishing a maternal bond to the mother and have problems breastfeeding.

Circumcision has many complications which every circumcised man will experience. - Circumcision complications include but are not limited to heart attack, infection, gangrene, amputation of the penis, amputation of the testicles, necrosis, tissue death, uneven skin tone, skin discoloration, scarring, loss of sensitivity, loss of natural function, tight erections, curvature of the penis, partial penis removal, loss of natural shape, revision surgery, MRSA, STDs/HIV/AIDS (particularly with Orthodox Jewish circumcision), PSTD, breastfeeding issues, callous on the penis, erectile dysfunction, religious shunning (many religions forbid circumcision), and other social issues. Men will experience at least two of these aforementioned complications in their lifetime.

Circumcision is not common. - More 3/4 of the world's male population is uncircumcised. Only 33% of males were circumcised in 2009 in the USA.

Children with hypospadias should not be circumcised. - The foreskin is needed for reconstructive surgery.

Children with hemophilia should not be circumcised. - 30% of male infants with hemophilia bleed excessively according to the University of Toronto.

Children born prematurely should not be circumcised. - They have compromised health systems. Their bodies are not strong enough to handle the trauma of an unnecessary surgery and long recovery time.

The reasons behind male circumcision are the same as female circumcision. - In parts of the world where circumcision of women is common, it is performed to prevent cancer, prevent masturbation, for aesthetics, for hygeine purposes, to lessen sensitivity (but still leave them able to have children), religious reasons, and tradition. These are the same reasons that made male circumcision popular in the USA.

Circumcision will give a man a smaller penis. - Circumcision will remove about 8 mm (a third of an inch) from a man's penis length. It will also make the girth smaller.

Circumcision will leave a man with less feeling in his penis. - Circumcision will remove more than 10,000 nerve endings from the penis.

Circumcision will remove 50% or more of his penis. - The adult male foreskin is about 15 square inches. That constitutes a minimum of 50% of his penis.

A man may not like being circumcised. - Men have been undergoing foreskin restoration since Jews in Ancient Greece tried to restore their foreskin. Not everyone wants to be circumcised.

Circumcision may prevent a man from joining a religion. - Many religions forbid circumcision. Religions such as Rastafarianism forbid amputation, thus a circumcised man is not a whole person and will not go to Heaven.

Karim's Story

Karim's Story
I come from a Muslim family. Muslims circumcise at age 13. Not at infancy. I was circumcised at 13 with no pain killers. But I was proud to do it as Allah's commandment. However, if I had known the whole story about circumcision, I probably would not have had it done.

By the time I was 13, like most boys, I had already started masturbating years ago. I knew what I liked and a large portion of that was playing with my foreskin. Though I knew masturbation was wrong religiously, I regularly got erections at random and I had to take care of them. I admit that I did it for enjoyment at times as well. Anyway, after my circumcision, I definitely didn't masturbate as much. I no longer had the gliding motion of my foreskin and it definitely didn't feel as good anyway. So I very much lost interest in it. The idea about circumcision, male and female, preventing masturbation is very true in my experience.

Now, I'm 19. I've found the Quran doesn't mention circumcision. I feel very betrayed by people who told me to undergo circumcision to please God. The whole experience has made me question my faith. My son Malik was born last year and I am not raising him religiously or having him undergo circumcision.

Submitted by Karim from Tel Aviv, Israel. If you wish to comment on this story or contact Karim, please post in the comments section below.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lucille's Story

My hubby Levi** was from a Jewish family but because his mother wasn't Jewish, he wasn't circumcised. He wasn't very religious when we married at 20 but when he was 29, he wanted to become more active in the Jewish community and he decided to get circumcised at the recommendation of his rabbi. As a Buddhist, circumcision has always been against my beliefs but I believe that everyone's body is their own. I didn't want to hold him back in his spirtuality though and I supported him. Levi's circumcision was hard on both of us. We couldn't have sex (and we were VERY active with each other) and things turned scary when the wound got infected. Levi had fevers and nausea for over a week and his antibiotics made his stomach hurt. I felt so bad for him and there was nothing I could do for him. Because he was out of work, it really messed our whole schedule up. We fought a lot during that time but we worked through it and he got better.

The first time we went to have sex and I saw his penis, happy was not the word I'd use to describe my reaction. His penis, which previously had been so beautiful to me (I had always found his foreskin to be extremely attractive), was scarred to the point that made me just want to throw up in my mouth. Nonethless, I tried to hide my disastifaction and we carried on because I expected sex would feel the same. It didn't. Boy, it didn't at all. For the first time since our honeymoon, sex hurt. I wasn't tense or not turned on enough though. I didn't orgasm and the rubbing hurt (which it never had before).

I hoped over time it would get better but it didn't. Whenever we had sex, it felt like his penis was rubbing up against blisters in my vagina. Our sex life really took a hit from this. Our marriage almost crumbled because our intimacy was almost non-existent. We went from having sex AT LEAST 6 times a week having sex maybe once or twice a month. Even oral sex, which I used to find extremely erotic to perform on him, was not as pleasurable for either of us because he has no foreskin to play with. Levi was also feeling the effects of the circumcision. He had a lot less sensitivity after a few months. So we went to sex therapists and doctors. His penis was a little curved to the left as well, which it wasn't before the circumcision. It was straight as an arrow. So we went to a plastic surgeon to see if the curve could be corrected. The plastic surgeon also (thankfully) brought up the idea of restoring foreskin. Levi ultimately decided to try non-surgical foreskin restoration.

The restoration took a few years but a few months into it, I started to feel a difference during sex. The chaffing feeling I had gotten used to feeling had diminished greatly. Not entirely but it definitely took probably 50% of the pain out of sex for me. It's now been three years since he started the restoration and he basically has a full "foreskin" back. It's rekindled a lot of our former sex habits but not all of them. It doesn't have the same oomph it had before his circumcision but I guess the fact that we're getting older plays a part as well.

I think anyone who believes that foreskin is useless is either misinformed or crazy. Why anyone would want to destroy such a beautiful part of their body is unknown to me. What I want to tell people with my husband's experience and my own is that circumcision doesn't just affect a man's sex life negatively but a woman's as well. I'm currently pregnant with our first son and while we plan to raise him Jewish, we do not plan to circumcise him.

Submitted by Lucille from Manitoba, Canada. If you wish to comment on this story or contact Lucille, please post in the comments section below.

** indicates that name has been changed.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Famous Uncircumcised Men

Adam - The first man according to Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and other Abrahamic faiths.
Ahmose II - Egyptian pharoh and founder of the eighteenth dynasty of Egypt.
Alan Cumming - Scottish actor known for his roles in films such as X2: X-Men United, Spy Kids, Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams, Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over, and Romy and Michele's High School Reunion.
Bahubali - Son of Lord Rishabha, the first Tirthankara of the Jains.
Buddha - Founder of Buddhism, one of the oldest religions in the world.
Charles Darwin - English naturalist and founder of Darwinism. Known for works such as On the Origin of Species.
Charlie Chaplin - English comic actor and film director known for his roles in films such as Kid Auto Races at Venice.
Clark Gable - American actor known for his roles in films such as Gone with the Wind, It Happened One Night, and Mutiny on the Bounty.
Colin Farrell - Irish actor known for his roles in films such as Tigerland, Daredevil, Miami Vice, Minority Report, Phone Booth, The Recruit, Alexander, S.W.A.T., and In Bruges.
Confucius - Chinese philospher and founder of Confucianism.
David - Sculpture of a male youth by Michelangelo. Thought to be one of the most magnificent works of art in the world.
Elvis Presley - American icon, actor, and rock star known for songs such as Jailhouse Rock and his films such as Love Me Tender. Known as the "The King of Rock and Roll."
Ewan McGregor - Scottish actor known for his roles in films such as Trainspotting, Moulin Rouge!, Velvet Goldmine, Star Wars Episode I, Star Wars Episode II, and Star Wars Episode III.
Fabio Lanzoni - Italian model known for appearing on the covers of various romance novels and commercials.
Frank Sinatra - American singer and actor known for songs such as Strangers in the Night and My Way and his roles in films as From Here to Eternity.
Harry S. Truman - 33rd president of the United States of America.
Hugh Hefner - Founder of Playboy magazine.
Jimi Hendrix - African-American singer-songwriter and guitarist. Considered to be one of the best guitarists in music history.
John Denver - American singer-songwriter known songs such as Sunshine on My Shoulders, Thank God I'm a Country Boy, and Rocky Mountain High.
John Lennon - English musician and singer-songwriter. Best known for being a member of The Beatles.
Julius Caesar - Roman general and statesmen.
Martin Luther King, Jr. - African-American preacher and human rights activist.
Marvin Gaye - African-American singer known for songs such as I Heard It Through the Grapevine, Sexual Healing, and Let's Get It On. Known as the "Prince of Motown."
Michael Jackson - African-American icon and pop singer known for songs such as Billy Jean and Dirty Diana. Known as the "The Prince of Pop."
Michelangelo - Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, poet, and engineer. Known for his works such as David and the Sistine Chapel ceiling.
Ronald Reagan - 40th president of the United States of America.
Socrates - Classic Greek philospher and one of the founders of Western philosophy.
St. Nicholas - A Christian saint who inspired the creation of Sinterklaas and Santa Claus.

Jenna-Lynn's Story

Jenna-Lynn's Story
As an American woman, the first contact I had ever had with an uncircumcised man came when I was 22 years old. I had been blessed with oppertunity to study at Oxford. Though I was an educated and sexually active woman, I had never actually seen an uncircumcised penis. All I knew about them was from my girlfriends back in Georgia, who told me that they "looked funny" and that they were "dirty."

I met Colton one night after my boyfriend had left me stranded in the pouring rain after a fight. With no ride home, I called my friend Ellen** but she was at a dance recital and her younger brother, Colton**, came instead. On the car ride home, Colton and I became friends. Though we got along well after that day , I never looked at Colton beyond a friend. Colton was barely 19 and I had never given any thought to going for a younger man.

Our friends went out together to celebrate Ellen's birthday. Colton, being shy, and I, not knowing most of Ellen's family, spent most of the party together. Long story short, we ended up leaving together. Colton confessed that he'd only been with one girl and he looked very nervous. Colton didn't even know how to kiss open-mouthed and he wasn't extremely endowed (I'd say around 5 inches) so I didn't expect anything extraordinary. I had never had a vaginal orgasm anyway.

I admit that an uncircumcised penis looked weird to me (not ugly though) and I stared enough to make Colton feel self-conscious. Inside, I regretted inviting him back to my flat, forgetting that men in Europe weren't circumcised. But rather be a tease to a guy like Colton, who had been nothing but nice to me since we met, I decided to go through with it. And I'm extremely glad that I did.

The feeling of an uncircumcised penis was different than a circumcised penis. I noticed the difference right from the start. It was a softer penetration and gentler but still firm. Thrusting didn't hurt me like I was used to (that raw, unlubricated vagina feeling that I'm sure many women have felt). A minute or so into it, Colton got a little more steady in his thrusting and it just was an amazing feeling. When he started to thrust faster, it didn't feel rougher or harder. For the first time during sex, I felt my clit being stimulated at the same time with each thrust. I've had sex in the missionary position many times and I had never felt that sort of stimulation with a circumcised man. Colton came a few minutes into it and though I didn't orgasm, it was still more satisfying sex than I had had in the past.

Colton and I had sex a few times after that (though we never remained more than friends). The fourth time we had sex, I had my first vaginal orgasm. I also found that we didn't need to use fake lube to keep me lubricated (and I had always thought my vagina was just excessively dry).

The pleasure I felt with Colton and described here was not a one-time phenomenom. As Colton was not experienced at sex and was definitely not the most experienced of my lovers, I credit his foreskin as the source of my newfound pleasure. Since Colton, I've slept with uncircumcised and circumcised men. Honestly, I can't imagine ever having sex with a circumcised man again.

Submitted by Jenna-Lynn, aged 26 from Georgia, USA. If you wish to comment on this story or contact Jenna-Lynn, please post in the comments section below.

** indicates that the name has been changed.

Harry's Story

Harry's Story
My name is Harry. I'm 46 years old. I'm originally from a rural town in Kentucky. I was born on a mountain in my family's home. As my family isn't Jewish and I wasn't born in a hospital, I was not circumcised at birth. My family was not rich so visits to the doctor was rare. When I went to a doctor to get my shots so that I could go to a local school, the doctor suggested to my mother that I get circumcised. None of the men in my family were circumcised and my mother didn't really know much about it. She asked the doctor why should I be circumcised, saying that" if I'm going to pay $250 (that might as well have been $10,000 to my family) for something, there'd better be a good reason." The first thing the doctor said was "Well, it's cleaner," which my mother, who prided herself on being a homemaker took great offense to. "Are you saying my children aren't clean?" she said. Long story short, I walked out of the hospital an intact man. That was the last I ever thought about circumcision until my 20s.

I married at 18 to my high school sweetheart Jenny. Her brother owned a restaurant in Nashville and when I was 20, we moved there to help him run it. I worked as a chef while Jenny was a waitress. When I was 24, I was the manager of my brother-in-law's second restaurant, I was a home owner, I had two beautiful daughters, and Jenny was pregnant with our first son. Our son, Noel (which means Christmas), was born in a hospital in Nashville on Christmas Eve. We called him our early Christmas present. Everyone was thrilled. We called everyone we knew and my brother-in-law and his wife planned us a great surprise party for when we got home. I left the hospital for a few hours to get some clothes for Jenny (Jenny had gone into labor while we were driving home and we hadn't brought anything with us to the hospital) and pick our daughters for them to see their new brother, a nurse asked her sign some forms. Among those forms was the consent for circumcision of Noel. The nurse told Jenny that it was a common procedure and that it would only take a few minutes and that there were a lot of benefits. As a result, Noel was circumcised that day with a Plastibel device. While neither me or Jenny had given thought to circumcision, I can't say I thought there was anything wrong with it. I didn't really know anything about it. Me, being a country boy at heart, I wasn't up to date on medical things and I trusted doctors to look out for their patient's best interests. Isn't that what they're trained to do?

Overjoyed with Noel, we came home on the 28th to our surprise party to show everyone. For a few days, everything was bliss until Noel began crying nonstop and running a fever. After being pushed around by several doctors who thought we were just being overprotective new parents, we finally got to Dr. Kennedy**. After a long series of questions and tests, found that his bladder had ruptured. This was shocking news to us. My first thoughts were "Is my son going to die?" Then Dr. Kennedy dropped another bomb. He told us the Plastibel was the most likely cause of the ruptured bladder. Jenny spoke up quickly, arguing that the nurse had told her it was safe. Dr. Kennedy sympathized with us. He told us that he had heard from a colleague of his that another child had suffered a ruptured bladder from Plastibel in North Carolina. This made me so angry that words can't describe it. It made me angry that doctors knew that there was a risk and they hadn't remotely mentioned it to either of us before or after the circumcision.

Noel was prepped for surgery but he never made it. His stomach swollen and his heart racing, Noel Alexander McGee went into shock. We buried him on January 7, 1989.

I feel that I failed my child to the point that I cost him his life. If I had bothered to ask or do research or had just said "No," Noel would be alive today. He would have gotten to go to high school, make friends, get married, have a family of his own and followed all of his dreams. But circumcision denied him that. Circumcision denied a mother and father their son, two sisters their younger brother, four grandparents their grandson, four uncles and six aunts their nephew, and an innocent and beautiful child his life. 22 years later, my family and I still feel the loss of Noel.

To all parents considering circumcising their sons, I beg of you to please don't do it. No matter what your doctor tells you about benefits, nothing outweighs the very real risk of death.

"In Loving Memory of Noel McGee"

Submitted by Harry J. McGee, aged 46 from Kentucky. If you wish to comment on this story or contact Harry, please post in the comments section below.

** indicates that the name has been changed.

Personal Stories

Disclamer: Reader discretion advised.

Harry's Story (submitted January 31, 2011) - Harry tells how circumcision cost his son Noel his life.
Hassan's Story (submitted November 19, 2010) - Hassan tells his fellow Muslims about circumcision and the Qu'ran.
Jenna-Lynn's Story (submitted December 1, 2010) - Jenna-Lynn, an American student abroad in Europe, talks about her first time sexual experience with an uncircumcised man.
Karim's Story (submitted November 4, 2008) - Karim tells about how his circumcision has made him question his faith in Islam.
Karyn's Story (submitted October 5, 2006) - Karyn, an OBGYN, tells about how performing circumcision changed her entire life forever.
Lucille's Story (submitted March 1, 2009) - Lucille talks about her husband's religious circumcision and how foreskin restoration also helped restore their sex life and marriage.
Naomi's Story (submitted February 27, 2011) - Naomi writes a letter to Jews explaining why they should reconsider having a brit shalom for their son rather than a brit milah.


A History of Circumcision in America - Learn about the American mindset that influenced the popularity of circumcision of not only men but women as well in America.
Risks of Circumcision - Read about the risks of circumcision.
Ask Yourself - Ask yourself these questions before you circumcise your son.
Circumcision and Religion - What does your religion say about circumcision?
Dear Fellow Jews - A Jewish woman writes a letter to her fellow Jews about circumcision.
Salaam, My Muslims and Muslimahs - 38 year old Saudi Arabian Hassan discusses circumcision and Islam.
Famous Uncircumcised Men - The King of Rock and Roll, the Prince of Pop, the Prince of Motown, 3 Beatles, and ol' Blue Eyes all had more than music in common. They were also all intact.

A History of Circumcision in America

How did circumcision come to America?

Prior to the 19th century, circumcision was virtually unknown to non-Jewish and non-Muslim Americans. It simply wasn't practiced. So how did it come to be so widespread? The practice of routine male circumcision in the USA is rooted in masturbation. Yes, masturbation. In the 1800s, masturbation became public enemy number one. Doctors believed masturbation was the cause of numerous problems like mental illness, alcoholism, and kleptomania. Religions which frowned upon sex and masturbation also played a factor. During this era, chastity belts and female circumcision were practiced as well (Yes, in America, our doctors practiced female genital mutilation at one time). Adults and children caught masturbating would be subjected to circumcision (either having their foreskins or clitorises removed), physical restraint or even put in institutions. But America has largely forgotten this part of our history. Did you know that Kellogg Company, the inventor of cereals like Kellogg's Corn Flakes and Rice Krispies that grace our breakfast bowls every morning, was originally started because the brother of its founder, John Harvey Kellogg, believed that his cold cereal like Corn Flakes would help curb the desire to masturbate? John Harvey Kellogg also advocated the circumcision of male children (not as infants but older) to punish them for masturbation and teach them that masturbation was equal to pain. Kellogg also advocated applying phenol to women's clitorises, sewing foreskins shut, caging the genitals, and tying up people who masturbated. And the bad thing was that Kellogg was not a stand-alone overzealous nut. He was a respected medical professional and doctor. He published books, opened hospitals, and ran a sanitarium. Reverend Sylvester Graham, inventor of the Graham Cracker, believed his cracker would curb sexual urges and masturbation. I know it sounds crazy but it's 100% true. Both Graham and Kellogg, like most of the medical community, called masturbation "self-injury" or "self-abuse." Many people feared that men would discover the "pleasure of masturbation" while cleaning their foreskins so the simple solution was to take the foreskins away. Up until the 1960s, doctors and people regularly came up with new excuses to justify circumcision and continue the practice. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics stated they did not recommend circumcision for non-theraputic reasons in the 1970s and circumcision rates began to plummet. Down from a virtually 100% circumcision rate prior to the 1970s, only 33% of male children were circumcised in 2009.


Welcome to This blog is for the purpose of providing information to the public on the little known dangers and side effects of male circumcision. We also publish personal stories regarding circumcision experiences.

Disclaimer: This blog strives to promote truths about male circumcision. We will source information whenever possible or relevant. We do not wish to mislead our readers. If you would like to submit or correct any information on this blog, please post in the comment sections below and moderators will review and discuss it. If you would like to contact the moderators of this blog, please write to If you wish, please include your name, age, location, and/or email address. Such information will be kept private if specified.